Community Development Through Eco-Tourism

The Ornithological Training and Eco-Tourism organization (OTEO) is training community members in different domains that include bird watching, counting, and identification as well as plants, mammals, and butterfly identification, giving priority to community members. In so doing, we are better equipping these members from around Mount Cameroon to understand the great potential of their environment and help develop communities through Eco-Tourism while ensuring the survival of our rich biodiversity.

Our elaborate programs include training, field trips, sensitization in community bases, cluster meetings, and refresher training for old members. In the long run, OTEO will also provide field equipment to trainees so as to sharpen their skills in their respective domains.

To inspire interest and action in youths or other community members we schedule meetings with various community leaders and sensitize them on our objectives, rules, and regulations. Selection of interested members will then ensue, who will then be trained on guiding or potting and sensitized on the modalities surrounding each responsibility.

Quick numbers


Years of Experience


People Engaged


Species Studied


Training Sessions Held

Key Objectives

We give everything to achieve the following objectives.

Poverty Alleviation

Through eco-tourism in the form of nature visits; potters and guides who accompany tourists become gainfully employed. This broadens income streams and better positions them to take care of their loved ones.

Activate eco-tourism in the area and beyond

By embarking on sensitization missions in schools, churches, and communities on diverse areas of interest, we let community members in on the potential of their area. This sets up a ripple effect of responsible and sustainable eco-tourism for now and generations to come.

Conduct training, bird surveys, and water bird count

In achieving this objective, we submit proposals to individual and donor organizations. The eco-tourism, bird surveys, and water bird count are binding, and ensure the sustainability of the training mechanism seeing that we operate as a non-governmental organization (NGO).

To facilitate capacity building in youths

To achieve this objective, we visit schools and communities, organize meetings with youths to know what they are interested in, and then gradually introduce them to programs that build up their skills through exposure to best practices